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2012 September Minutes Draft

Salem Council on Aging
Annual Meeting
Salem Council on Aging
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 6:00 p.m.

The Annual Meeting of the Salem Council on Aging held Wednesday, September19, 2012, 6:00 p.m., at the Senior Center, 5 Broad Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

PD:  Open the annual meeting Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 6 p.m.

PD: Board of Directors Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Julie Carver (JC), Loretta Carroll (LC), Alice Williams (AW).

Absent: Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Pamela Greaves (PG), Jerry Ryan (JR, City Council Liaison), Doug Bollen Director.

PD:  Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary) informed me that she would not be present.
BW: Pamela Greaves (PG) and Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer) informed me they would not be present.
Also Present:  Bill Woolley (BW), Sharon Kearney (Secretary of minutes).

a.      Office of Vice-Chairperson
        i. Pat Donahue (PD), Chairperson asks for nominations for the office of Vice Chairperson.
ii. Elaine Heredeen (EH) is nominated by Pat Donahue (PD).  The nomination is second by Julie Carver (JC).
iii. Pat Donahue (PD), Chairperson asks for further nominations.

b.      Office of Treasurer
        i. Pat Donahue (PD), Chairperson asks for nominations for the office of Treasurer.
ii. Alice Williams (AW) is nominated by Elaine Heredeen (EH).  The nomination is second by Pat Donahue (PD).
iii. Pat Donahue (PD), Chairperson asks for further nominations.

Alice Williams (AW): Mentioned she maybe away for a couple of months in the winter and asked if this would interfere with holding the position of Treasurer?

BW:  Explained the director has most of the information for the budget and the Treasurer is typically only needed if there are any issues in the budget which need to be reviewed and discussed for resolution.

There was no expressed concerned from the other board members if AW would be absent for a couple of months.
c.      Office of Secretary
        i.  Pat Donahue (PD), Chairperson asks for nominations for the office of Secretary.
ii.  Donna Clifford (DC) is nominated by Julie Carver (JC).  The nomination is second by Elaine Heredeen (EH).
iii.  Pat Donahue (PD), Chairperson asks for further nominations.

                        The slate of officers is:       
Elaine Heredeen (EH)    for office of Vice Chairperson
                                 Alice Williams (AW)             for office of Treasurer
                                 Donna Clifford (DC)             for office of Secretary

iv.     Pat Donahue (PD) makes a motion to vote on all three officers on the slate at once. There was no opposition.
Elaine Heredeen (EH) seconds the motion.

All voted “aye” for the slate of new officers.
v.      Nominations of, and election for, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary are official and closed.

The Board voted to adjourn the Annual Meeting at 6:07 p.m.

Salem Council on Aging
Regular Meeting
Salem Council on Aging
Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 6 p.m.

The Regular Meeting of the Salem Council on Aging was held Wednesday, September 19 2012, 6:08 p.m., at the Senior Center, 5 Broad Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

PD:  Open the regular meeting Wednesday, September 19, 2012, 6:08 p.m. promptly following the annual meeting schedule at 6 p.m.
PD: Board of Directors Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Julie Carver (JC), Loretta Carroll (LC), Alice Williams (AW).

Absent: Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Pamela Greaves (PG), Jerry Ryan (JR, City Council Liaison), Doug Bollen Director.

PD:  Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary) informed me that she would not be present.
BW: Pamela Greaves (PG) and Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer) informed me they would not be present.

Also Present:  Bill Woolley (BW), Sharon Kearney (Secretary of minutes).

III.    Minutes of Previous MeetingVote will be taken to waive the reading of and accept (or amend) the minutes of the previous meeting, held on Wednesday, June 20, 2012.

PD: Makes a motion to waive reading and accept the minutes of the previous meeting of Wednesday, June 20, 2012.

EH: Seconds motion.

VOTE:  Unanimously approved.

III.    Chairperson’s Comments –  
PD:  Two of the biggest issues at the beginning of every year are:   First, we all have copies of the bylaws they need to be reviewed on personal time and we all need to be conversant with them.  Second, if anyone misses more than three meetings without letting the Director (BW) know in advance. It will be considered a serious offense at which time the Board may ask the offender to resign.   

PD: We are going to try to rotate the liaison to the Friends of the Council on Aging every month. Their meetings are the fourth Wednesday of each month 6 p.m. at the Senior Center, 5 Broad Street, Salem, Mass.  Pat Donahue (PD) volunteered to be the October liaison to the Friends.  Alice Williams (AW) volunteered to be the liaison for November Friends meeting.  During the October COA meeting someone else can volunteer for December.

PD: Is there any opposition to a rotating liaison each month for the Friends of the Council on Aging?

The Board:  Unanimously approved the discussion to have a monthly rotating liaison to the Friends of the Council on Ageing.

BW:  Has interesting and enlightening training documents on the roles and responsibilities of the COA board members from the Executive Office of Elders Affairs training sessions.  

PD:  Are the documents reprinted every year? And can you redistribute copies of the training document to the board?

BW: No, basically they are the same.  I will be happy to redistribute the documents to each board member.

PD:  Our duties as a board are to support the director and help with policies. Not be responsible for making the policies.

BW:  Correct, it is an advisory board, but the importance of your participation on this board is not minimized. It is state law that every municipality has a Council on Aging.  This doesn’t mean the Senior Center, the acting director, or anybody who is hired on the Council of Aging staff.  The board of directors is the Council on Aging and you are for filling that responsibility.

PD:  Last year the members of the board assisted in gathering information on political policies and procedures from other COA’s.

BW: Yes, that was very helpful. Regretably, I have just about started on crafting something based on the research done by a few of the members. My intent was to have the political policies and procedures draft for this meeting, but other issues have delayed that effort.  

IV.     Report of the Acting Director:  Bill Woolley, Assistant Director, Park, Recreation & Community Services Dept.
A.      Status of staff, including new hires.
a.      John Sauvageau, transportation coordinator (FT)
Veteran served in Afghanistan, Salem State University geography student.

b.      Fay Ventouris, activity coordinator (FT)  
Served at the COA in fall of 2011 as an intern in conjunction with her Spanish studies at Salem State University.  She worked with children at Mary Jane Lee Park summer program. Graduate of Salem State University.

c.      Kathleen O’Brien, afternoon receptionist (PT)

The afternoon receptionist part-time position is funded by the City. These responsibilities were initially done by the recreation supervisor. By hiring Kathleen O’Brien this allows the new activity coordinator, Fay Ventouris, to devote all her time to her position.

d.      Bob Bell, van driver (PT)   
B.      Delivery of new passenger van; contributions of Friends of the Salem Council on Aging

BW: A new Van (No. 202) is in the parking lot; it took two years and eight months from the time federal money was earmarked to pay for 80 percent of the van.  The Friends of the Council on Aging contributed the remaining 20 percent.  It is here and it is timely because we are losing the1998 Dodge vans which are breaking down.  The 14-yearold Dodges are depended upon minimally, but we still need them for the time being.  

BW:  Invitation, not an obligation, for a photo opportunity on Wednesday, October 24, at 6 p.m. Bill Woolley invites Friends of the Salem Council on Aging and everyone on the Council on Aging, Congressman John Tierney’s office and the City’s Administration.
C.      Interim plan for directorial void  
PD: Are they interviewing?
BW:  Yes, there are three out of state candidates to interview and some local candidates, as well.
PD: Who has the final say? Which committee?
BW:  The interview and decision making is being done by an ad hoc committee of four, which will interview and hire a new director as a department head.  The committee included Doug Bollen, until he resigned, Director of Human Resources Lisa Cammarata, the Planning Department’s Kathleen Winn, and a member of the Park Commission, Leslie Tuttle.   
It will be approximately a month before someone comes in. Until then Tim Short, Recreation Supervisor is filling in for recreation side of activities. Bill Woolley is primarily handling the  COA, personnel and finances.
D.      Physical plant and office configurations; reception area upgrade

BW:  The activity coordinator’s office has been moved into what was formally the nutritional coordinator’s office on the second floor.  All the copiers have been moved out of the library room into a designated room now called the Copy Room. This will help limit the access to the copy machines to staff use only.  On Saturday, September 29, Will Pitman is going to help build a wall in the lobby.  This will give a more professional presentation and control the flow of visitors, while protecting receptionists from cold weather winds that come through the door.

PD:  Were the computers purchased?
BW: Yes, three new computers were purchased. They are all set up on the third floor and there are lessons being given.
E.      Review of the annual report to the state Executive Office of Elder Affairs

BW:  The annual report to the state Executive Office or Elder Affairs is about a month late. It will be submitted as soon as possible.  We actively served 1,616 senior citizens last fiscal year.  Servvices included transportation, meals, meals on wheels, social service information and referral, socializing or some other point of contact in the past fiscal year. There about 8,000 senior citizens residing in the City of Salem.

AW:  What is the fiscal year?

BW:  July 1 to June 30.

VI.     Committee Reports: No committee reports

VII.    Treasure’s Report:  No Treasurer’s report at this time.

BW: Regretfully, I have just about started on crafting something based on the research done by a few of the members. My intent was to have the political policies and procedures draft for this meeting unfortunately other issues have occurred.  

IX.     New Business:
BW: Volunteers needed, by request of the Executive Office or Elder Affairs and the Massachusetts Council on Aging (MCOA). They are having a conference on Wednesday, October 3, to Friday, October 5, at the Sea Crest Resort Hotel in Falmouth. Day volunteers needed.

X.      Visitors’ Comments: There are no visitors present.

XI.      Next board meeting: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at 6 p.m.

XII.    Vote to Adjournment:
PD: Makes a motion to adjourn the meeting.
EH: Seconds motion
VOTE: Unanimously approved.

Regular meeting adjourns at 6:40 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Sharon Kearney.